How to start a Facebook business page in 2023

Facebook is a great social media platform for businesses in South Africa. However, to get your business on Facebook, you need a Facebook business page.

In this blog we will discuss how to start a Facebook business page in 2023 with a step-by-step guide that anyone can follow.

Step 1: Make sure you have a personal Facebook account

If you have a Facebook account you can skip to step 2.

Having a personal Facebook account is a prerequisite to starting a Facebook business account. To check this, go to or to the Facebook app on your phone and log in.

If you don’t have a profile, you will need to create one. Here is how to go about it. Download the app on your phone, this can be done from practically any App Store like in the picture below:

How to download Facebook app and how to start a Facebook business page in 2023.

Once you have downloaded the app you will have to log in or create a profile to continue to step 2. Remember that the profile you create is a personal profile.

Step 2: Go to pages

Next, you will have to navigate to pages like in the following image:

Go to menu and then pages.

On this screen you need to click on pages. Then click on create in the top left of the screen. This will take you to the following page:

Start creating your page.

Click on the Get Started button. Next, you will need to choose a name for your page. For this example we will use a bike shop called Marko’s Bikes.

Choose a name for your page.

Next you will need to choose the category of your page. Try searching for your type of business and select an applicable category. You can also add more than one category here.

Choose categories that are relevant for your page.

For this example we will just choose one category to keep it simple. Click on create. Now you have the opportunity to give some extra information about your business.

Type a short bio that describes your business and that contains a few keywords that potential customers might search for when looking for your business.

Try to fill in as much as you can here. The more information you give the better your page will perform on Facebook.

Then click next. This will take you to a screen where you can upload a profile and background picture. For this example we didn’t upload any pictures. Here is the screenshot:

Customise your page by adding a profile and background image.

Then click next. You will have the option to connect WhatsApp to your Facebook business page. If you have WhatsApp for business it will be very good to do this. We will skip that for now.

Then you will be prompted to invite friends to like your page. This is a quick way to get your page out there. Just click on invite friends and follow the prompts.

You can select the friends that you would like to invite and then click invite. Here is the screenshot:

Invite friends to like your facebook business page.

Click on next. You will be prompted to receive notifications from your business page. It is always good to opt in for these as you will need to know when someone likes your page or when you get a new message.

That’s it, your page is now created, you should have a few friends that will like and follow the page. Once it is complete it will look like this.

This is how it looks when your page has  been created.

Now you need to build up followers by posting high value content to your followers so that they can share and you can get more followers.

And that is how to start a Facebook business page in 2023 on your phone. There is no need for you to have a computer to do Facebook for your business.

You can also run ads as your page to help you reach users outside of those that follow you. If you would like to run ads on Facebook, please speak to our team who can help you with that.


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